Pratikiz Architecture; It is aware that today's people are in search of environment, space and goods that are compatible with their own authentic structure.
Pratikiz Architecture; It wishes for the design of the environment, space and objects to gain value with a line that is PRACTICAL in terms of use and function, and adds meaning to people and their environment.
Pratikiz Architecture; It brings together our clients, with a unique group of experts around its core team of creative, organizational and operationally talented architects, to produce solutions to their special requests that they will need in the process from building, space and furniture design to the completion of the application.
Our Perspective on Design
PRATIKIZ Architecture; It wishes its designs and products to gain value with a line that is PRACTICAL in terms of use and function, and adds meaning to people and their environment. Pratikiz Architecture takes its strength and inspiration from nature, reason and humanity in the design and production process. Nature is Practical! Spending the least amount of energy (nature or human) when producing a design or product, Finding the simplest form, Using the least amount of materials and natural resources, choosing environmentally friendly recyclable materials To ensure that it is compatible with its environment, within itself and with people, To offer flexible and changeable design and usage possibilities.
What? How? What?
With our architectural and application experience, we have the knowledge and tools to show the positive and negative aspects of a project, determine its feasibility and contribute to the value of the real estate. We can draw up the requirements program of the project and help the investor verify his idea by preparing a preliminary project for the land he proposes. We also offer the most economical construction method options for the realization of the project.
How ?
We start our working process with meetings with our employer. In these meetings; We create the main framework of the project regarding demand, request and budget. We share this data with our project team and prepare the preliminary project together. Then, the project process continues with mutual discussions with you. When our design reaches the point we want, we discuss the exact cost and implementation issues.
What ?
Architectural design
Restoration Work
Interior architecture Design
Furniture Design
Purchase control
Material selection

CEO- CC0- Pratikiz Architecture
MSc. Architect (Conservation-2000)
Lecturer (Akdeniz Uni.- 1999- devam ediyor)
e- mail: aydin@pratikiz.com
Beyza Yavuz- Architect
Bersa Sarıkız- Architect
Beyza Sarıkçıoğlu- Interior Architect
Merve Yerliyurt- Architect
Aslıhan Eskin- Interior Architect
Oya Kök- Interior Architect
Ceren Altun- Interior Architect
Tuğçe Dağ- Interior Architect
Çiğdem Çiçek- Interior Architect
2/ Application
Orhan Bacak- Site Manager
Durmuş Dalaman- Carpenter
Aşkın Ardıç- Carpenter
3 / Supplier
Çandırlıoğlu- MDF
DEMOB- Hardware
Pratik Alüminyum- Aluminium
Savran Çelik- Steel works